This weeks lab was spent finalising the code by running the robot multiple times in the arena. By doing this it was easy to identify errors in the coding as the robot went through the house. The majority of errors came from the robot overturning or underturning. This would then mess with the rest of the room searching as the robot's turns would be off by that amount each time. Errors also came from the robot running too fast into the wall, causing the robot to pivot around the touch sensor. This would also affect the following movements. Due to the nature of these errors they could be fixed one by one as the robot moved further throughout the house.
There is also an issue with the turning caused by the battery running low. When the battery is full the turns are all perfect but towards the end of the batteries life there is less power going to the motors so the turns don't go to completion. This can be corrected by always keeping the battery fully charged.
The infrared sensor has now been replaced by a light sensor. The infrared sensor was not consistent enough to detect the flame every time. Due to there being a white quarter circle around the candle it was decided that candle could be detected by detecting the white surface. The robot would then rotate with the fan on and extinguish the flame.
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